It’s Possible for You Too!

It’s Possible for You Too! After Lois LeBlanc’s husband had a stroke and became paralyzed on the left side of his body, she made the decision that if they were going to make it, then she had to become the bread-winner. She was 60 years old and scared to...

You think you have it bad?

You think you have it bad? You think it’s bad in Calgary? You won’t believe this! Yes, Calgary, Alberta has taken a hit. No pipeline, too many employees laid off, real estate transactions down by about 30% over last year, no Olympic bid. Yes, the city suffers. But...

In What Order Were You Born??

In What Order Were You Born?? Business Coaching for Your Birth Order! I have always found birth order, personal tendencies, the four humors (Hippocrates), DISC, etc, very interesting. We are NOT all alike! When I had four children, I had the opportunity to discover...

for REALTORS(R)- Turning Leads into Sellers!

for REALTORS(R)- Turning Leads into Sellers! This is Video #3 for REALTORS(R) – Turn Leads into Sellers! Stop “Pitch-slapping” your potential clients! The number 1 thing people want is to be LISTENED to; not sold to. Stop focusing on how great you...