What REALTORS need to know about Leads!
This is Video #2 in this 5-part mini-series!
Do you think you have lost Leads because you lacked the systems to stay in touch? You will love my ‘HIGH FIVE’ process when having that initial conversation with potential clients!
Then follow that up with a customized Lead Checklist that will ensure referrals get thanked, Leads get into your CRM (Client Relationship Management system) and you are completely prepared for your meeting!
Connect, convert & capture your business quickly & easily! If you need these resources for your business email me and I will send them to you! Sue@MaximizedResults.com
I am going over the 5 key areas that REALTORS need to dominate if they want to succeed in their solopreneurial business. Stay with me, watch the videos on my youtube channel and get more help at www.maximizedresults.com