What Kind of BUSY Are You?
Last month I did an experiment to find out just how many activities and to-dos could be done in a month without succumbing to exhaustion. It has always interested me how some people seem to accomplish so much while others can’t seem to even keep the dishes done in their house. Yes, I will point the finger at myself!
I set out with the intentions to strategically schedule in as much as possible as if I was some celebrity juggling many balls.
One of my busiest days included:
- 7:30am – Breakfast meeting with family in town
- 9:00am – Work
- 11:00am – Meeting squeezed in to pitch speaking gig
- 12:00-5:00pm – Work
- 7:00-9:00pm – Mastermind Group Meeting
A most productive day!
Be Busy, Recharge, Repeat
At the end of the month I talked with an entrepreneur I admire, Tanya Eklund, and she commented that when she is extremely busy doing things that are her passion, she finds they motivate her and she finds the pace invigorating.
Alternatively, when I talk to less interested employees I hear that if you are over-worked doing things you don’t really want to, then it is very stressful.
Then there is another group of people who are kept busy doing work for others, maybe running around for family, staying on top of responsibilities and not really able to track down their accomplishments but feel very busy.
In all cases, I found there is an undeniable need for busy people of all types, to have designated down time, family time, moments to meditate and re-charge. In all cases if you stop the wheels turning you can go back and produce more!
Three Kinds of Busy
What I found was that there seems to be at least three kinds of busy:
- First Busy – Busy doing shoulds = deflated & irritated
- Second Busy – Busy but accomplishing little = tired
- Third Busy – Busy accomplishing desires = invigorated
What is the moral of this story and the outcome of my experiment? Evaluating what kind of things are keeping you ‘busy’ may reveal where ineffective stress is coming from. Passion for life and business can invigorate actions but if you are feeling overwhelmed you may be wasting efforts on activities that garnish few results or you may be in a role or roles that aren’t high on your own priority list.
When you identify the roots of your scheduled appointments you can clearly discover the source of your feelings of lethargy or energy.
I don’t know about you, but I choose INVIGORATION! I now have a bit more insight on how to concentrate my efforts where I most desire for them to go – how about YOU?