Radio Interview – Voice America
How can I help you build your business?
Let me share what I have learned over the past decade. The real estate industry is very soloprenuerial, meaning agents find themselves working ALONE most of the time. Well, I know that if you got sent to prison, the worst punishment is solitary confinement, so I don’t want you stuck in your own version of “Orange is the New Black”.
Find resources like podcasts, radio shows, youtube videos, itunes shows and learn from the best in the world. See if you can find a local Mastermind Group or hire a coach to steer you in the right direction – toward your GOALS!
I had the pleasure of sharing my insights with radio host David Wallach and the five habits for success that I outline in my new book “The Little Red Stick – What Gets Measured Gets Done!”
The interview is one hour, so sit down with your cocktail of choice and enjoy! I am convinced that you will hear a nugget of gold that you can take back to your office and use to implement to build a better business today!
Taking Care of Business – Voice America Interview
If you need me, I am here to help. Reach out and connect!