It’s Possible for You Too!
After Lois LeBlanc’s husband had a stroke and became paralyzed on the left side of his body, she made the decision that if they were going to make it, then she had to become the bread-winner.
She was 60 years old and scared to death, but over her next 10 years she quadrupled her real estate business, paid off her mortgage, became debt free, bought a new car and paid with cash and even managed to save $100,000.00!
All while caring for her husband and aging mother. All while enduring a kidney transplant at age 64 and going to dialysis appointments.
I heard this first hand from Mark LeBlanc, the son, when I attended his business conference in La Jolla, CA last month.
My interest peaked at his story because I often work with older agents who wonder if it is possible for them to ramp up their business before they retire.
Undoubtedly – YES.
How did she do it? She took advantage of the information she had at her fingertips – her son’s best- selling book “Growing Your Business!”.
She read each page and took it seriously. She implemented new habits and kept on trying!
What would you accomplish if you let out all the reigns this next year? What would it take for you to quadruple your business, even just double it?
If you can come up with the motivation, there is information at your fingertips that can change your life!
I would highly recommend Mark’s little book of magic “Growing Your Business!” and any other books you might even already have on your shelf that contain the actions you can take to build your dreams on.
Get the help you need so that you can have the career and life you want!
It IS possible and you CAN do it.